Saturday, June 26, 2010

The process of a writer in training

How can I write if I don't exactly know what I believe? Sure, I'll tell you what I think, but I'll change my mind in a few months or later that day, or maybe as I blast loads of rhetoric trying to convince you of something I may unsure of. I'd like to think that I have the same general values, though... justice, equality, liberty... the same values most people hold, but also the same values most people speak out against in different words-- fighting a war maintains our freedom while infringing upon the freedoms of others; we all have equal opportunity but the myth of the self-made man overshadows and denies the existence of structural inequality that is pervasive through black America, through the villas and favelas of South America, through the shanty towns of India; we all have justice, justice served on the innocent black man accused of raping a young girl, justice served on the boy who has to steal food and money in order to help his family, justice served on the white-collar executive who steals millions of dollars... hold on, wait...

That's one thing I do believe in... the continuing cycle of dominance that lies, cheats, steals, but does so because it makes the rules, because it makes the game. We all play along because we're the privileged, we're the strong, because the system gave us what we wanted and we didn't ask questions.

That's why I write... I write because there are stories to tell by people who can't tell them. Some can't read, others can't write, the majority of them don't think that people will listen or they themselves don't have the means to place their stories in the mainstream.

Millions and millions of stories and anecdotes are lost each day, because we don't remember them, because we don't write them down.

So from now until I die, I will reconstruct memories, I will write stories, and I will broadcast them to the world in whichever way I have the means, because our stories deserve to be told, our hearts opened, our humanity exposed.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, we don't agree politically. That aside, beautifully well written.

    I feel like a lone breed, possibly one concocted in a laboratory somewhere - a libertarian-leaning person with a mind to wonder how to rightfully alleviate the world's disparities be they political, economical, social, etc. Most in my camp wouldn't bother with the matter at all, turning away as if such beasts don't exists.

    Granted, this is a much larger problem outside of our borders.
